Monday, December 10, 2007

Because I don't have kids, I get my "fix" by hanging out with friends that have kids. I lovingly joke with them that hanging out at their house is the perfect form of birth control as I would easily go insane if I had not one but FOUR of the rugrats...Still they are great kids and I spent the day hanging out at the soccer field and snapping pictures. A great way to get practice and be entertained...

Marley was the top-scorer of her team and was less than happy when she was asked to play goalie for a quarter of this least I got a shot of her stopping a goal as proof she actually played goalie...

I split my time between Macee's and Maddie's games since they were at the same time on fields next to each other. Luckily I happened to catch a couple of nice action shots...Macee likes to practice her acrobatics and my camera was in the right place at the right time...

Maddie kicked butt during this game...she literally saved the game by her fearless goalie display of diving on the ball several times. It was their last game of the season and the girls won 3-2. Yay Maddie Myers!!

Mason beat all the girls and loves to kick-off and throw the ball in...basically any action is good action for him...
I couldn't resist adding a couple of candid shots...afterall, soccer can get a little boring when you are 5 years old...

Thanks to Matt and Tammy Myers for dragging me all around Yorba Linda and letting me take pictures of their kids. Basball season is just around the corner and I will have my camera ready!